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Genetics: Spe


Spectral is a modifier. 
This gene does not create any markings.

Spectral breaks the rule of having to stick to the colours in your base coat range.

Meaning if, for example, your geno was Ocean ranges, you could use Daybreak colours.


Each base coat colour range has thier minimum and maximum ranges.

You would still need to follow markings guides to whatever marking you have chosen.

If your geno does not have any genes, spectral can affect the Free Marking.

Examples of Gene

Spectral with Albino


Spectral does not affect any geno's that has Albino Mutation.

If you have an Albino with the spectral gene, you must still follow the rules of albino, not spectral.


When Spectral is on an albino, the ranges you should use would be the ranges given on the Albino Mutation guide.

Spectral will only become a passable gene to it's pups.

Markings Spectral can Affect


Here is a list of markings that Spectral can affect.

How it affects the markings is written within each of the guides.

If it does not state a specific rule for spectral, you just follow the marking guides as normal with the ability to use these colour ranges.

If the marking is not stated here, Spectral can not affect that marking!


When there are no other markings on your geno, spectral can affect Free Marking.

However this only applies when there are no other markings on the geno!


Accents - Blanket - Glitz - Hood - Sable - Tabby - Wilddog - Defier - Crystal - Malachite - Tribal

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