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Disciplinary Trials Guide

Just like any animal growing up through life, they all need to learn about how to survive and grow some self control and responsibilities of their actions. Mythikan's are exactly the same and are required to undergo these Disciplinary Trials in order for them to take part in certain areas of the game. How you choose to raise your Mythikan is entirely up to you and you can use these Trails as a way to build up your character's lore as they are eligible for these trials from the second the pups are capable of walking.


Be aware that by doing Disciplinary Trials, there is a higher chance for you to encounter a Random Task Request! You can find more about Random Task Requests and what they entail in the Random Task Request section. These tasks are given to you, the owner, by your Mythikan or another Mythikan asking one of your own to complete a random task.


Once completing Disciplinary Trials, your character will be given what is called a Disciplinary Status which will give you a Disciplinary Rank. These Status and Ranks have different perks throughout the game. You can upgrade your status and ranks at any point in the game as well. In order for you to get your Disciplinary Trial entries approved and get your ranks and status' assigned to your Mythikans, you would need to head over to the Admin Approvals section 


Each Species within Mythika, a realm world, full of a magnitude of creatures awaiting to be discovered, all have their own specific rites they must complete to enter into some realms or just be capable of surviving in their own realms. Even some activities has a requirement for completing these Disciplinary trials, otherwise it can cause severe to life threatening results to your Mythikan. To check which Disciplinary Trials each species requires, head over to the Species section and it will state them in each species information pages.

Disciplinary Trials Status

Just like any test or trial one undertakes, your Mythikan will be provided with, what is called, a Disciplinary Status. This is merely a score and rank after completing your Disciplinary Trial. They don't affect your gameplay too much, but they can give bonus' around the activities, especially in Random Task Requests.


In order for your Mythikan to get their ranks, they will need a certain amount of points to complete a trial. Depending on the number of points given will determine the Disciplinary Status which your Mythikan will receive. You can always upgrade your scores at any given time in the game, but you can't downgrade. The order of the status' are as follows:


New Hope! > Brave Warrior! > Mighty Hero! > You Were Born For This!

Disciplinary Status
Points Required
New Hope!
1 - 25
Allowed to participate in stated areas in the game.
Brave Warrior!
26 - 50
+ 1 Stat Point
Mighty Hero!
+ 1 Rune Point
You Were Born For This!
76 - 100
+ 1 Breeding Slot
Nero's Will 2.png

Extra Bonus:- Nero's Will

With each Species having their own set of Disciplinary trials they can complete. For completing every single one of the species required Disciplinary Trials, with the Disciplinary Status of 'Mighty Hero!' or 'You Were Born For This', you can apply to get a legendary item, Nero's Will.


This award is a very special item and one of the requirements to participate in certain areas of the Activities, Events and Random Task Requests. It also adds a bonus percentage to summon one of the Mascots in any area of the game which can gain you a 100% chance of succeeding. The final bonus this item can give, is to gain a chance to summon Nero to persuade Nova to instantly accept and fulfil any of their contracts of your choice without meeting the requirements of Nova's Contracts.

Disciplinary Trials Upgrades

Everyone has a choice to upgrade their disciplinary scores once they have completed that training. However, you can not downgrade your score then upgrade. This means that if you scored the 'Mighty Hero' status, you can not downgrade to 'Brave Warrior' status then upgrade to 'You were born for this' status. These status' are ranked, and you can only upgrade to the next higher rank, New Hope being the lowest rank and You were born for this being the highest rank, like this:

New Hope -> Brave Warrior -> Mighty Hero -> You Were Born For This

If you choose to upgrade your Disciplinary scores, you do not need to redo the full set of disciplinary, only do another 1 entry from one of the trials of your choice.

Here are the requirements for the upgrade entry:


  • Literature needs to be at least 1000 words. Artworks need to have at least 50% of the characters shown, fully shaded with detailed background, meaning more than simple gradients, minimum of 5 objects in the background (trees, water, furniture, wild animals/creatures, sky, vegetation, rocks, etc.).

  • Only the one character that you want to upgrade their score per entry.

  • When you done an upgrade you will be given a score again, which will be added onto your previous score to upgrade your original score.

  • Depict your creatures to be wanting to prove themselves. Here are some ideas for you which you do not have to use only these ideas, you can expand and make up your own ideas. All these should be done with the character you are trying to upgrade, along with another creature, starter or a companion.

    • Breakdowns - Depict your creature having a mental breakdown, crying or getting frustrated with itself, that a companion comes to comfort your creature offering them ways to improve themselves.

    • Emergencies - Depict your creatures trying endlessly to learn how to try first aid or trying to help take care of a fallen or weakened characters.

    • These tears do will not fall - Sometimes its hard to take in bad news or think you have failed someone you was trying hard to impress another. Depict your character trying hard to not cry over the news of it's score and helping with different tasks to overcome the bad news. This can be anything from cleaning, hunting, grooming, playing, or just comfort from a friend.

Disciplinary Trials Rules

coming soon.png

Disciplinary Trials


Breeding Rituals Trials

Additional Rule: 

You will need to complete one prompt from the partnership trial and the pups trial to gain your breeding rites for your Mythikan. Once completed, you will be able to use your Mythikan for breeding, once approved by admins. Each of these prompts are all related to breeding and raising a child.

Please note!! When it states 'use a substitute', this means that you can use anything like other Mythikans or ARPG characters depicted as pups or inanimate objects such as a teddy bear for example. DO NOT USE OC's OR ADOPTED OC's for the substitute!!


Mythikan's doing the trials will need to take care of the pups. Personal characters / adopted characters counts towards handlers during disciplinary rites. Mythikans you are training can not be depicted as the pups, they must be the adults tending to a pups needs. 


Obedience of Aggression Trials

Obedience of Aggression are trials for the Hexins to complete for them to obey you and take part in activities without causing too much problems for you and other Mythikans in the activity entries.


Hexins are naturally born wild and aggressive, so you will need to help them gain some self control before they injure others, refuse to give you items from activities, refuse to breed, aim their aggression on other Mythikans doing the activities with them.


Untamed Hexins will automatically be refused into some realms and will not be allowed to help with lore taming unless they do these trials.

Obedience badge.png
Flight award.png

Power of Flight Trials

These trials must be completed for any Mythikan that can fly. If you do not know if your Mythikan can fly or not, you can always go onto their Species information sheet to find out. These Mythikans are ones with wings that the species has and not required items to have the ability to fly. 


These Mythikans will need to complete these trials in order for them to use their flight abilities to their advantage, as well as take part in some of the realms, especially the Speyr yn Choleayrtys realm which other Mythikans are not able to access. They will be a lot more vulnerable to land creatures if they did not complete these trails.


Infinite Water Breathing Trials

These trials must be completed for any land based Mythikans for them to be capable of holding thier breath long enough within the Thalloo Baiht realm as well as getting over thier fear of water or deep seas. You are required for land based Mythikans to do these trials if you want them to venture into Thalloo Baiht without the harmful risk of them them receiving fatal health status', or worse, being knocked out that the only way to revive them would be to make a contract to Nova.

Waterbreathing Rites .png
Bonding Badge.png

Bonding Trials

These trials must be completed for you to claim the Bonding reward with LP to the desired bonded Mythikan in your description information as well as for your Mythikan to aid you in Lore taming.  


These trials will test your Mythikans and for them to prove thier skills to bond to another and build up their charisma and show how trustworthy they are. This will help you bond and get rewards if you bond a Mythikan to another Mythikan, or it will help you use thier bonded knowledge and experiences to aid you in taming Mythikans in Lore Taming.

» Trial Prompts
Bonding Trials

Synthesis Trials

You can train your Mythikan to help you to synthesis something for you, but you need to make them do the trials in order to get the bonus.  


By training your Mythikans to learn how to synthesis, they will aid you when you want to craft items and gives you a better chance of reducing the risk of breaking what you are trying to make. However, any time that you want them to aid you, you have to complete the Synthesis Task within the Synthesis Activity for them to actually aid you in Synthesis. If you do not complete the Synthesis task, your rewards will be rolled as the normal chances of things breaking.

» Trial Prompts
Synthesis Rites.png

Bakery Trials

These trials must be completed for you to take part in the Bakery Activity.


In order for your Mythikan to take part in the Bakery Activity, you must complete the bakery trials. Without them, you will not be able to take part within the Bakery Activity and can result in your Mythikan's getting injured or you wasting your ingredients with a 100% chance fail rate.

Baking Rites.png
» Trial Prompts

Mythika-ARPG (C) Zyruinova

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