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Genetics: Shi


Shine can create a luminescent or iridescent effect on the body in various ways.

Shine can also make markings glow, or it can produce its own set of markings.

On Zephies only, it can make thier antennas glow.


You may only choose one of these effects with shine. Meaning that you can not mix the effects together on one marking. You have to use the effects on seperate markings.

If you are using shine to affect 2 markings, you can use Lumin effect on one marking and Iridescent effect on the other marking.


If you are using shine to affect a marking, you would need to treat shine as that marking for layering.

Even if you try to use it for half of the marking. You would need to treat it as it is one with that marking. 

For example, if you try to affect blanket with shine and have tabby too, you can not put tabby on top of blanket with shine over both tabby and blanket. Shine should be on the same layer as blanket.


Edge Restrictions

Marking Restrictions

Examples of Gene



Shine does not have much of a minimum coverage amount, however you can not go over 50% of the body.

Shine can affect up to 2 markings, keeping to the rules stated above.

By affecting markings, you do not have to stick to the 50% maximum, but you can not go out of your marking range.

If you are affecting markings, you do not need to affect all of that marking.


Lumin Effect


Lumin markings creates its own markings on the body.

These markings must appear as shapes, like circles, Squares, Ovals, etc.


If you decide to make the Lumin effect alter the other markings in your geno, you would need to follow those markings guides and then add the shine onto them after.


Here is just a small guide of how to create the Lumin markings if you are struggling.

Step 1:

First you will need to pick a fairly mid saturated colour and then draw some shapes onto the body. If you are wanting to make markings glow, you will need to design the markings based on those marking guides.


Step 2:

You will then need to make another layer above the step 1 layer. Using either a colour that is closer to white or a more saturated colour, the choice is yours, you will then need to colour above the markings you created in step one, try not to go too much over the step one markings.


Step 3:

You will need to blur this layer. You can then set the layer to luminosity, lumi and shade, colour dodge - depending on what art program that you are using to draw. Play with these settings and opacity to get the bioluminescent look.


X Do Not Do


- Try avoid trying to rush markings that you get 'flicks', blurred edges or 'holes' within the marking.

- If you are trying to make a teardrop shape, make it very clear that it looks like a teardrop shape else it would get considered as a 'flick' out of a circle or oval shape.




Iridescence creates a blurred area with some small white spots to imitate a 'glitter' effect.

Iridescence must stick to the colour range of your base coat colours. 

This can go above or below markings. However, it can not go above Piebald, Calico or Void markings,

Step 1:


Create an area of saturated colours of your base coat allowance, and then blur it all. There can be no holes.

There should not be any hard edges visible and should all be well blended with the base coat or each other.

Step 2:


Use a small brush to put some small white speckles over where you have done step 1. 

These white spots can not go out  of step 1's area and should 'fade' away as it joins the base coat.

Eyes, Mouth and Paws


You can make the eyes, mouth, claws and paw pads glow if you wish to do so, the choice is yours.


These can be any colour, they do not need to have any pupils or iris' within the eye.

These may be hard to visualise on the official imports, you would need to download the eye import. 

Here are a couple examples how to make them look:


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