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Random mutations are mutations that can randomly appear within breeding. If parents have mutations, their mutations have a higher chance of thier mutation to be passed down onto pups and cancels out any random mutation appearing on pups.


Inbred Mutations are mutations that are not passable from parents during breeding nor can they be acquired randomly. To get them, you will need to breed Mythikans that have at least one Mythikan in the same bloodline.


Remember that mutations have thier own effects and some have thier own consequences in the game. Each ones specifies how it effects you within your journey through Mythika.


RANDOM MUTATIONS - Albino || Celestial || Chimera || Blind and Deaf || Sclera || Polycoria

INBRED MUTATIONS - Amputated || Angels Gift || Blind and Deaf || Harlequin || Optical || Zombified


Also check out our Mutations FAQ too for any frequently asked questions on mutations. You can also ask questions by making a help ticket in our discord!



Albino Mutation is a mutation that lacks any pigmentation to coat colours resulting in 'bleaching' coat colours. 

This often makes the coat either completely white to off-white without any markings, or to have the markings appear very faint on the body appearing more white. Pick from the colour ranges below, not from the coat colours page.


Albino Mutation affects all markings, even other mutations that affects the body colours.

The only Mutation it does not affect is Celestial Mutation as Celestial Mutation appears over every marking and mutation.


Albinism also affects the colour of the eyes, making them appear pastel colours as well, Below are the colours you can select for your eyes. If you want Heterchromia eyes, remember that one eye must be white or off-white.


If you choose to make your Mythikans to have Heterochromia eyes, the Mythikan can still have the odd eyes or the two coloured eyes, but one eye will always be white while the other will be the colour of your choice


You MUST use the eye import if you are using heterochromia and albinism as they have thier own rules as stated here.


How does Albino affect you in game?


  • Will be more likely to get ambushed or receive a Random Task Request after / during anytime you take your Mythikans out for any Activities.

    • If Albino is mixed with Heterochromia eyes, it can cause others to neglect or show no mercy to your Mythikans resulting in dealing more damage or others not aiding your Mythikans. ​Many Mythikans see others having the Albino Mutation as a weakness or sickness that other Mythikans are more likely to abandon or neglect.

    • Alpha ranks or the Alpha starters will always take care of your Mythikans. Check Alpha Benefits guide to read up more on what benefits Alphas have on the game.

  • Will be more vulnerable and receive a higher damage rate.

  • Higher chance that your Mythikan will gain Health Issues.



How does Celestial affect you in game?


  • Celestial Mutation actually aids your Mythikan to 'blend' into the night within all Activities, depending on your coverage range. It reduces or sometimes even prevents you from getting ambushed in Random Task Requests.

  • During the day, you will be more vulnerable to getting ambushed or attacked and your Mythikan will need complete its Random Task Request before entering into any Activities.

Celestial Mutation is an ancient mutation that was passed down from Nero's father onto the alphas, whom in turn passed it down onto the other Mythikans. 

Celestial Mutation is a rare mutation that affects the coat to mimic space, nebulae and / or celestial links. 


Celestial Mutation can be broken down into both coverage and appearance. 

Both coverage and appearances have 3 different types.

You can only have one coverage but you can merge the appearances together.


Celestial Mutation goes above every marking in the geno and Celestial Mutation can not be 'broken' up over the body. It always has a point where it starts at which is usually the tips of limbs, not the middle of the body.


Coverage determines how much of the body that the mutation covers. It always starts at a point of the tips of body limbs such as fingers, paws, tails, muzzles, wing tips, fins, etc. Celestial Mutation can not start at a random place on the body. Whatever appearance you have chosen for your design, you can not go over the coverage range, unless you have chosen the No Depth coverage option, but it will still need to follow the 'starting point' rule.

No Depth Coverage


In this Example, We have placed the Celestial Mutation's starting point as the tip of the tail, using the celestial links appearance. There is no black background for this that the coverage needs to show.


Half Depth Coverage

In this Example, We have kept the starting place as the tail tip, however the blackness to where the Celestial Mutation is would be the coverage to the mutation. Any appearance types should not go over this coverage.

Full Depth Coverage

Full coverage covers the whole body in blackness where the Celestial mutation makes the markings on the body rather than what it states in your geno. This gives off the galaxy look to the body.




Chimerism is a mutation that creates two genetic pools onto one pup, creating a patchwork like effect for parts of each side of the genetic pool. Chimerism has really randomly placed sections to its design, so there is no distinctive order to the mutation at where the patches should be placed.


Lets use this genotype to give an example of how you would do create the patchworked Chimera effect.

Oce/Acc/Pts/Def  - - Day/Mas/Acc/Mtr


Chimera always appears as two gene pools that look like this:

Geno 1 - - Geno 2


First you will need to design both sides of the gene pools. 

We recommend to make 3 folders on the imports above the base layer, the first two folders will be filled with the individual layers to the markings, so you can go back and edit later if you need to correct some parts of the markings.

The final folder will be for the final design tweeking and creating the patchwork effect.


So we have gone and designed what the markings could possibly look like below, Geno 1 on the left and Geno 2 on the right.


Once you have these designed, you need to copy and paste the layers into the third folder and then merge them until you have one layer that has all of gene pool 1 and one layer that has all of gene pool 2 as single layers. 

You can then just start erasing parts that you don't want from one of these gene pools.


Keep in mind that Chimera Mutation is asymmetrical and has no order to how it appears, it is completely random and has 'patches' to show the markings of both gene pools on one body.


Blind And Deaf

Blind and Deaf

Blind and Deaf Mutation gives you a choice if your Mythikan is deaf, blind or both. You can not cure this mutation!


You must decide this and put in the genotype, when you do the description information of your design, what you want your character to be. If you leave it as it is, your character will be Blind and Deaf by default. Be aware that the choice that you make does have a massive effect on your decisions and gameplay throughout Mythikans activities and quests.


Below states how both effect you in game, be aware that if you choose both, your Mythikan will have both affects.

How does Blindness affect you in game?


  • If alone, your Mythikans will be more likely to get ambushed or receive a Random Task Request after / during anytime you take your Mythikans out for any Activities.

    • They will also receive more damage if they got attacked.​

  • ​Mythikans with Blindness get more help from others and are protected if other Mythikans join you on your activities and adventures.

  • Will be more vulnerable and receive a higher damage rate.

  • Your Mythikan will be more resilient to getting eye Health Issues.

  • Reduces the amount of items that you will receive on activities

  • Harder for Mythikans with Blind Mutation to take part in Synthesis Activities.

  • Struggles in Bakery Activities

  • Mythikans with Blindness mutation will not enter the Doan Ellanyn Realm.

How does Deafness affect you in game?


  • If alone, your Mythikans will be more likely to get ambushed or receive a Random Task Request after / during anytime you take your Mythikans out for any Activities.

    • They will also receive more damage if they got attacked.​

  • ​Mythikans with Deafness get more help from others and are protected if other Mythikans join you on your activities and adventures.

  • Will be more vulnerable and receive a higher damage rate.

  • Your Mythikan will be more resilient to getting eye Health Issues.

  • Has a harder time doing the Sorcery Activities

  • Struggles in Bakery Activities

  • More likely to attack fellow team mates in all Activities from not being able to hear where they are and get surprised easily.

  • Mythikans with Deafness mutation will not enter the Doan Ellanyn Realm.


Blindness creates the eyes to be more clouded and also impacts the creature's ability to see. The eyes become paler in saturation with a clouded off-white effect over the iris and pupils. The design of this clouded effect can be completely up to you.


You must use the eye import to show the eyes. Even though we allow freedom of design to this clouded effect over the eyes, it should be clear to see without eye squinting or zooming in to view the clouded effect, ensure that you can visibly see it easily. If you struggle on if it is enough, you may ask in our discord for assistance.



Deafness has no physical effects to the creatures but it impacts the creatures hearing, although it learns other ways in order for the creatures to communicate to one another by means of sign language.

Blindness and Deafness

If you have selected to have both, your characters will have the issues of both blindness and deafness in game, however others are more compassionate and have a higher chance to come to your aid to defend your blind and deaf characters. 


You can also use any of the items of the free accessories shown in the guides for deaf and blindness section. However, if you use these free items, you will need to ensure that you submit to the free accessories section in the design approvals otherwise your design will instantly be declined by admins.



Sclera mutation breaks the rule of the sclera must always be white on designs and allows your creature to have different coloured Scleras, You can not have white scleras with this mutation. If you have Sclera Mutation, it reverses the normal Sclera rule and actually does not allow for the sclera to be white or off-white, but in fact should be coloured.




Polycoria is an eye mutation that makes 2+ pupils within an Iris. This does not make the iris split into two nor does it make multiple iris' appear onto the eye. There is just one iris with 2+ pupils. Use the eye import to draw your designed eyes and submit them along with your designed import for approvals.

How does Polycoria affect you in game?


  • They are able to see like normal creatures can, but they are more susceptible to any eye health conditions during thier journeys.

  • They have a small chance of attacking thier own teammates as sometimes they can see double or their sight mistakes where things actually are. 

  • Have a small chance of causing self injuries by walking into things.




Amputation Mutation makes the pups be born without one or multiple limbs such as arms, legs, tails, ears, wings, fins, etc.


Pups that get born without limbs get the privilege of acquiring an artificial limb at birth to assist in them later on in thier lives.

This means that if you have an amputated mutation on your pup, you will be allowed to use artificial limbs from the free accessories items list.


There are some tasks and requests that will impact your creatures choices too and amputated mutations or injuries will prevent them from entering due to tough tasks that can be dangerous for them to participate in, however it can also give a bonus towards other creatures for assisting your amputated creatures.

For example, creatures with amputation mutation or injuries will cause determination to completing a quest, but others will try to prevent your creatures from taking part and take part for not just themselves, but for the amputated creature as well. This will gain twice the amount of rewards on the quests from the ones that assist the amputated creatures be it mutation or injury.

How does Amputated affect you in game?


  • Sometimes artificial limbs become broken and Mythikans will refuse to do any Activities or Quests until it has been fixed. This can lead to your Mythikan getting into fights or be ambushed.

    • In order for you to repair your artificial arm or get them reattached you will need to head over to Evrah's Daycare center and give him the required items in order for him to fix it up for you.​

  • Mythikans with Amputated mutation will not enter the Doan Ellanyn Realm.


Angel's Gift

Angels Gift

Angels gift is a special mutation that does not affect the base coat nor the body of the characters. It is an ancient mutation the was believed to be passed down to the 'pure ones' that have good health. This can not be passed down to inbred pups.

Angels gift mutation grants the character to have 'halo' or 'hologram' shapes around its body. They can come in any shape or form as long as they are bright / highly saturated colours with a semi transparency look to them.

You can make them look like wings, horns, etc. However, if you do this with the mutation on a flightless creature, this mutation does not grant that character to fly or control the holograms for battle purposes. These holograms are in fact more for display and looks than anything. Attempts on using these holographic imitations for battle or flying purposes can risk your character getting severly injured or risk destroying the gene that the mutation will not be passed on to the pups any longer. 

How to design Angel's Gift

Step 1

When trying to pick a colour, always try pick from the highly saturated area on the colour wheel. See image below for an idea what area to pick from on the colour wheel. Do not pick from the faded out area shown.


Step 2

Pick out of the more saturated colour and draw on your desired shape. Then blur the edges to these shapes.

Angels Gift 1.png

Step 3

Pick a colour that is more closer to white or off-white and redraw and define your desired shapes. You can make them have a soft edge, however we highly recommend you just have hard edge shapes for this layer.

Angels Gift 2.png

Design Ideas

Here are a few design ideas for you if you are having trouble with designing them.




Harlequin mutation is similar to its related mutation, CHIMERA MUTATION.
However, harlequin is a mutated version of chimera that creates a specific pattern with its chimera effect.
Harlequin has its 2 genopools on one pup, however rather than chimeras patches, harlequin creates an 'opposing striped' effect.

Understanding how Harlequin works


Just like chimera, we always  go by the genotype as:

Genotype 1 || Genotype 2

When designing the markings onto the body, you would make one layer for genotype 1 and another layer for genotype 2.
Now here comes the confusing and tricky part.
If you are looking at the body from birds eye view, from head to tail, it will be need to be designed like so:


Genotype 1 || Genotype 2
Genotype 2 || Genotype 1
Genotype 1 || Genotype 2
Genotype 2 || Genotype 1


Here is a couple image examples to show it.




Optical Mutation is a rather odd mutation that creates the pups to be born with either multiple eyes or no eyes at all. 

Both types of Optical Mutation has its advantages and disadvantages.

Type 1 - Eyeless Optical Mutation

Eyeless optical makes the pups to be born without any eyes and creates a blindness to the pups, but thier other senses become acute and the pup manages to see through these other senses that blindness has no effect to these types of mutated Mythikans. 


Being eyeless, it also affects your health conditions in someway depending on how you design the eyes. If you just erase their eyes completely, you will be immune to any eye health conditions, however if you design them so that if they have open eye sockets, you will be susceptible to health conditions with eyes. This goes for anywhere in the game.


Type 2 - Multi Optical Mutation

Multi Optical makes the pups to have more than thier normal amount of eyes. You can place these eyes anywhere over thier bodies. By adding more eyes, you have an extreme chance of getting various eye health issues except for the possible chance of becoming temporarily blind.

Having multiple eyes also lessens the risk of things creeping up on your creature and your Mythikan will also have more chance to notify others around itself of any possible dangers. They also have better eyesight able to see in darker areas than normal Mythikans would in such situations which prevents then from getting ambushed.


Optical Mutation with Zombified Mutation

If your pups have both Optical and Zombified mutations, they get a bonus design option. This can create your eyes to be gore-ish, and make the eyes dangle out of thier sockets or that thier bones overgrow and has thier eyes sat on thier bones with the ability to still be able to see for example. If you decide to make it gore-ish, when you submit your designs, you will need to state on the request for approval that you have used gore in your designs.



Zombified Mutation makes the pups to be born as 'undead', meaning that they are born with gore-ish looks to them without them getting infections or diseases at birth.


You can design the Zombified mutation to be however gore-ish as you want.

This mutation has many possibilities that you can have and design.

Zombified mutation can affect up to 75% of the body. 


This can also create your limbs to be 'incomplete growth' and make them look smaller or mutated. You can even add extra limbs to the body, however you can not add wings to a non flying creature nor can you add more wings onto a flying creature, only add arm, insectoid or pincer like limbs to the creature. Which you can not add these limbs excessively, 4 limbs is the maximum that you can add to a design. This also can create multiple heads or even make a Mythikan become headless.


'Incomplete' growth

Incomplete growth is when the body has not fully grown parts of the body. This means that they could have smaller wings, paws, muzzles, heads, etc.

This does not mean that you start trying to design 'crippled' limbs, only that the limbs are smaller or tiny. 

Below are some examples of what you could do. 

How does Zombified affect you in game?


  • Makes you immune to most Health Issues

  • Your Mythikan becomes vulnerable to any medic Runes. It injures them instead of healing them and doubles the damage.

  • You can only heal them by getting a contract to Nova.

  • Most Mythikans will not go near Zombified mutated Mythikans, so others will not protect you.

  • Alphas will not accompany you to Doan Ellanyn but your Mythikan can pass through this Realm unaccompanied. 

Mutations FAQ

Mutatons FAQ

During Breeding, how does chimera affect breeding results?

When characters that have chimera are attempting to do a breeding request, the pups have a chance to inherit the genes of either genopool 1 or genopool 2. You can find more information about this on the breeding guides.


Can we make a brindle like chimera?

No. Brindle chimera is extremely close to our Defier gene. To prevent the confusion between brindle chimera and defier, we are keeping just the defier marking.


Is there a size restriction to how big or small these patches can be for Harlequin and Chimera?

Yes, the smallest patch would be no smaller than the eyes of each species in Mythika whilst there is no maximum how big the patches can be. Just try to keep it fairly even and random for both gene pools.


Can we make the gene pools cover half and half of the characters for Harlequin and Chimera?

No. Chimera creates a randomized effect of patches of the gene pools over the body whilst Harlequin does have the split down the middle but it's design pattern is unique and set. Meaning you can not have half of the body as one geno pool and the other half with the other gene pool. 


Can we cure a mutation?

No. Mutations are Mutated deficiencies that the pups are born with and have to live the rest of thier lives with. This means that when pups are born, they do not possess the ability to see or hear and they have to adjust to it and live with it for the rest of thier lives.


How does this mutation differ from the health status?

Health status' can be cured with remedies and other medications whilst mutations are incurable.


Is it possible to acquire a mutation at a later date when the pup has grown?

No. This mutation is only acquirable to newly born pups.

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